
Sunsets and Calligraphy

It has been about a year since I did my first calligraphy class with Christina, and I thought it was time for a refresher since I haven't exactly been practising. Whoops. Glad to be able to sneak this class in before I leave for Asia next week. As well as a couple of photos with this talented girl!

I first saw Christina's work and contacted her regarding her calligraphy services a couple of years ago. Fast forward a few years, and a ton of beautiful calligraphy later, she now conducts these wonderful private lessons and workshops. If you've ever wanted to learn the art of calligraphy - check her workshops out here! She has some coming up ;) Hope you enjoy these. Fun Fact: We randomly ended up on the same flight to Paris last year! Good times.

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1. datenightwithtila said...

That's gorgeous! Always wanted to learn.

2. Christina said...

Thanks again for the lovely photos Tessa, you are such a talented photographer (especially given the small amount of sunlight we had fleeting!!)


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