I love coffee shops. If I could live in one, I probably would. (half-kidding) I finally met up with Lianna at Nelson the Seagull over the weekend, and we bonded over some avo on toast, drinks, honest conversations and Instagraming. (ok actual photography too) and might I add.. Their in-house stuff is amazing.
Another thing I love? Raw talk. Real talk as some of you might call it. Or heart to hearts. I probably don't set enough time aside as I should to catch up with people.. (guilty), but conversations and coffee are always a favourite in my books.
As I've grown older.. I realize the power and criticality of vulnerability for meaningful connection. Raw, open, bold conversations - stripped of judgement. Intentional and authentic. Conversations that has depth, transparency.. from a heart that genuinely wants to know another person.
And I love how coffee shops creates a space for that. Perhaps it might not be the best place to some to hold some very personal conversations.. But it's my safe place. It's a place where I get to experience snippets of other peoples' lives. A place that takes me back to a child-like curiosity as I observe my surroundings. A place that brings me joy from my encounters with strangers. A place where I've had some of my most honest conversations.
Thankful for days like these.
Thought I'd share some photographs I snapped as well. Kinfolk worthy? Enjoy! :)
P.S For those in Vancouver, where are some of your fave coffee spots in the city?
P.S For those in Vancouver, where are some of your fave coffee spots in the city?

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