
Miles onto new heights ♥

The world is filled with unimaginable beauty. Open your eyes.

I think this is precisely why I love traveling so much. It allows me to see what's considered normal in other parts of the world, in a different light. Discover the hidden gems and be charmed by them. Explore the adventures that await. Experience life from another angle, with the lens magnifying it's raw, honest, beauty. Hear the sounds that are ever so foreign, yet familiar all at once. And be touched by the hearts of other nations, one beat at a time.

When I travel, I lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends. Yet slowly, I find myself trusting strangers. Slowly.. being intrigued by them. Connecting with them through sincere and genuine conversations. And perhaps.. by the end of it all, call them some of my greatest friends. The type of friendships built by a bond that began on such foreign grounds.. Those are just something else

Some day, I would like to travel alone again. Challenge myself. Take the road less travelled. Wander but not be lost. See more than I can remember, and indulge in the simple pleasures of everyday life. Impart new vigor to the mind, from the experiences I encounter. Foster an appreciation of God's wonderful creation, and see the world as it is.. not how I imagined it to be.


Jo said...

I feel like you do.

I love to wander off on my own at times and just be lost. You gain new insights while being lost.

But then I went to re-watch "Taken" and it sorta popped my whimsical little bubble.

I'm sorry if I popped yours too. *grinz*

Fiona Chian said...

unimaginable beauty
perfectly said =]

camerafilmroll said...

The new emotions and experiences from traveling definitely takes boring and mundane out of the picture.
Absolutely love your take on travel, Tess!

serenadeveryday said...


Thanks for your sweet comment. I didn't think anyone would have noticed but I mean we blog mostly for ourselves not for others right? *eeps!

I'm totally feeling the message from your post. Traveling is AMAZING and I am at awe at all the places you've been to already. *jealous. Traveling alone sounds like a lot of fun and pretty intense. Although the thought has crossed my mind as well, I'm too big of a chicken to do it.
You've traveled so much already, making a number of big moves. I'm sure if you reflect and look back, you've had quite an adventurous life. You've moved around so much and seems like you've made SO many friends along the way... I'm kind of speechless now thinking about it. So blessed... <3

Msz Jelenaaa said...

This is Beautiful, ah what i would do right now to just go travel... so glad i came across your blog... I'll be coming by more often :)

Jacquelyn said...

So true, love your words. I love travelling as well and definitely hoping I'll be able to experience more places in the future. There's always so much to learn and you just realize that there's so many things you take for granted when you're at home.

Btw, thanks for your comment and sorry I haven't had time to get back to you sooner. But I would like to get more details on your project that you're starting soon! Thanks for letting me know about it, sounds like it's gonna be awesome!


Tim Chan said...

Yes, there is something about travelling where you find yourself. Travelling alone is definitely a challenge, and one worth taking. I've only done it once, for a short 5-day trip to South China - it was lonely at times, but also nice to be on my own. It felt like a rite of passage for myself.

Sabrina said...

I admire your love for adventure and new experiences like that. I like my comforts of home and familiarity, but there definitely is something exhilarating about new experiences and faces. Enjoy your journey!


amileinherheels said...

Heh thanks girl <3

Thanks babe :)

Of course!!! I'm glad you're updating more now :) Glad I've made friends like you too, through blogging :D I definitely think it's something to do when we're young. Once old age kicks in.. not fun hahaha

Thank you :)

Np girl! :) Sounds good! Will keep you updated.

Wow South China! China is actually one of the countries I have yet to step foot into. I'd love to go to rural China though. I think I'd love it. Especially for photography! It's good to travel alone sometimes. Def a time to discover on your own, and learn about yourself too :)

Thank you girl :)


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