I'm finally up to speed with my travel posts! (Took me 4 months to complete oops.) Just wrapping up the travel series with San Fran. (Up next - India in August!! Can't wait to share more on that later.) I gotta say, that city sure grows on you. Initially.. I didn't quite enjoy San Fran, maybe because it was the last leg of the trip, and we were pretty exhausted. But overall, I had an enjoyable time. Actually spent my birthday there as well, and had some of the best Italian food yet. Ooh and Baker beach? Beaaaautiful. It's the perfect location to take your dog for a walk, or catch a stroll by the waters during sunset. Stunning views of the bridge as well! (Great date location lol!) Though the day we were there, it was super chilly and windy. Typical West Coast weather, you could say. We soon found ourselves at the end of our trip, and took the train back to Vancouver. It wasn't the best experience due to delays, car + train collision, trees falling on trains, having to sleep at the station.. list goes on... But it's such imperfectness that makes up the memories of a trip. With that being said, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I love SF! I considered moving there at one point! You captured some awesome photos! Love your photography skills!
you take amazing pictures. I love it.
Thanks girl :)
Thank you!! :)
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