So after Singapore, the gang made their way to Brunei. However, I decided at the last minute that I wanted to extend my stay in Singapore. Which worked out extremely well because I got the chance to catch up with some of my childhood friends and extended family. But the Singapore portion had to end sometime, right? So I too, was on my way to Brunei soon after. It sucked being sent off by my favourite people. Not that I didn't appreciate them taking the time to send me off.. but as soon as I said bye, the waterworks started. Go figure.

Onto Brunei! Ok I didn't know what to expect in Brunei.. but all I could think of was Aladdin, rich Sultans.. and oil. Well, I was two-thirds right! Royalty ran this country, with 24 carat gold mosques, and dirt cheap gas. It was unbelievable. $0.56/Litre? That was Vancouver more than 10 years ago! Oh and if you're a Brunei citizen... you get to apply for free land. How awesome is that? The Sultan sure takes care of his people. Even though I only spent two days there, I really enjoyed seeing Fiona's family as well as where she grew up. I had some of the best satays here. No jokes. We drove over to this place by a pier, but they sold out. So we found the guy who ran the stall's brother.. and drove there for some good ol' satay and ketupat. One of the best dinners ever from this trip, hands down. Oh and I caught a glimpse of Wu Chun's house! No big deal. Oh check out the photo below. A haircut, massage and shave for $7.00. Say whaaat?!

Anyways, that leg of the trip flew by quite quickly, and Pablo and I were off to Hong Kong before we knew it. Can't wait to share some of my awesome buys from this trip in my next post! Until then, xo.
Thanks ladies!
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