
In the light of the aftermath ♥

I'm sure as most have already heard, our city became quite the nightmare on June 15th, 2011. After the Vancouver Canucks lost to Boston (Sadface*, but so proud of our boys regardless. They played a great season.), havoc was wrecked on this city.. and what we knew as our Vancouver, became a war zone. I shall not elaborate on the details, as I'm sure the news has shown it all.

I couldn't believe it. My city. The city I spent half my life in, was being destroyed right before my very eyes. I thought I was watching a scene from a movie. But instead, it was the news. However, with that being said.. I hope world realizes that a small group of hooligans acting like idiots, does not represent the rest of Vancouver. When there's the bad, there's also always the good.

The following day, awesome citizens and real fans spent their day cleaning this city up, and restoring it to what it was. Their time, dedication and goodness did not go unnoticed. I have to admit.. that at first I was ashamed and embarrassed, but am now so proud of the amazing citizens that make up this beautiful city. Their good spirit throughout the clean-up can be a testament to that. People from all walks of life came to lend a hand. I have so much respect and appreciation for the VPD, as well as everyone else who was ever so willing to help, and protect our city.

This is what Vancouver is really made of folks. This is our city, our Vancouver, and we love it. 


Selena said...

Oh I felt the same way!! I was watching a livestream video of what was going on downtown, and I started mass texting, asking my friends where they were. It was a pretty unison response that everybody was embarrassed and wanted it to stop. Even on Facebook, there were so many statuses expressing wishes that it would stop. This riot did not represent my city!!

I'm so proud of the post-riot cleanup. You could totally hear it in my voice when people asked me what was up with Vancouver. There aren't many Vancouverettes here. I still say it with so much joy when I tell people where I'm from.

Danielle's Blog said...

Community. Vancouver is awesome like that!!

Thanks for passing me the missing pieces today : ) Should have something to show this week you r awesomeness!

amileinherheels said...

Yeah same here :( So many of my friends were in DT! Glad that everyone I knew was safe though. I'm definitely proud and humbled by everyone who played their part in the clean up. Mad respect!

Def :) And no problem!!! Can't wait!


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