It's crunch time. From planning the Benefit Concert (deets soon!) to meetings, to working full-time.. I feel like I'm caught in the chaos of things. (The trip planning is put on hold, but I'm super stoked for it. 3 months! I believe it'll be quite epic.) But above all, things are slowly being pieced together to create something pretty wonderful. And I don't even know where to start with how awesome my friends have been as of late. I've had so much support, it's amazing. Mad love for you guys. Speaking of work.. I don't think I've really talked about my job all that much.. so here goes. I actually really enjoy it. I'm glad I'm one of those people who can say they enjoy their job. Oh and I love my co-workers. There's so much to learn, grow, and experience working in the wedding industry. Needless to say, half the time my job does make me want to get hitched as well. From the beautiful dresses (I think I can look at gowns all day.), to the exquisite floral arrangements, to the photography - I love it all. And for those who are wondering.. bridezillas aren't a myths. But in all fairness, weddings are a high-stress level type of event.

(Photos via weheartit)
P.S Sorry if I haven't replied some comments. Blogger was going through maintenance and some of my comments have yet to be restored :(
So many of my friends are getting married or are married. I even picked out my ring and wedding dress hahaha
There are so many pretty wedding gowns that it's so hard to choose!
AHaha your post prodded me into blogging again after a month-long hiatus!!
Check out my response:
what you work full-time now?!
haha so this is where Kevin got his post inspiration! Good seeing you at work today!
how awesome working in the wedding industry. as stressy as it it i'm sure its a fantastic job. i'd love to work in the wedding industry myself. :)
Awwwe I love when people love their jobs!! It's so incredible^^ It really shouldn't be something that people just wanna get over with everyday, or something they JUST DO to get by.
I'm not sure how I want the top of my gown to look like yet, but on the bottom, I'd like it to somehow have embroideries that make it look oriental, like a qipao style design.
i'm so JEALOUS !!! though it might get out of control at times but it's what you love to do and therefore you will be able to handle it with grace... you coming over her in SEPTEMBER? sounds great... maybe just may be we should say HI to each other haha... this place is fast pacing and changing non-stop.. new mall fantastic foodie places except for the GST part ...
Tessa! Makan places have grown and are awesome! usually and ally full of restaurants are already full and have a waiting line like the ones you see outside LV stores!!!
hey TESSA thought i would share with you that H&M will be opening it's doors here in SINGAPORE in September which is when you will be coming over right? don't forget to check it out!!!
More or less, yes :)
Hahaha yes. Unfortunately or fortunately? :P Yeah good seeing you too!!
@Dirt on the Rocks
It is a stressful environment for sure. But it can be also pretty rewarding :) You should give it a try!
We talked about it during Career Night, and all the guys disagreed with that LOL. Ahhh. That'd be cool and unique! I think for myself..I must have lace accents.
@Label me Addict
Hey girl! Haha yup I'll be back in Sept :) Only for 2 weeks though as I'll be travelling all over SE Asia for a month. Yes! Maybe we'll see eachother at Orchard haha. I can't wait to makan. It's what I'm looking forward to the most hahaha. OH yeah I heard about it. We have H&M here too actually. But I def wanna go to Uniqlo & Topshop!
go to the topshop in KNIGHTS BRIDGE Singapore, UNIQLO at ION MALL... though ION has topshop its rather small and the one at knights bridge is awesome... remember to hangout walk through out the entire orchard road...
just ask if you need any help!!! have fun!!!
@Label me Addict
Will do! :) Thanks girl!
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