4 months till the long awaited trip. Excited, nervous, pre-travelling jitters? You can say so. Thinking about what to pack kind of stresses me out, when it should really be the
least of my concerns. Have I mentioned I'm quite the over packer? Excessive baggage kills. I have the tendancy to bring
everything. Brought 10 pairs of shoes (I bought another 6 over there) the last time I was back. Just in case, you know? (Need to make that master list soon!) And I'm always torn between what to wear on the plane and what I'll feel like wearing once I get there. (The heat doesn't help.)
It'll be my first big trip with friends, and I'm sure it'll be
quite the trip. Taiwan, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore.. and the islands in between? Oh yeah. I can't wait. I'll definitely try to update regularly with vlogs + photos. I'm really hoping that this trip will expand my horizons, and allow me to experience different cultures, customs, sceneries, and food that each country has to offer. Needless to say, I think that this trip will be quite the adventure. Four cities, four friends, and a memorable (extended) Summer. I couldn't ask for more.
P.S The benefit concert is pretty smooth sailing. More deets to come. Will share soon!
um... I like the master list idea, but 6-10 pairs of shoes seems alot. By the way, how long are you going since it helps in determining what you need to bring. And also, if there are special events or things to go to, that would be the only factor that may be put into play for packing. Almost forgot, make sure you check how much luggage weight and pieces you are allowed from here to your destination and between the different destinations because I dont think it would be fun to end up having things left behind =(
That sounds super exciting! I'm sure it'll be quite the trip! Might want to slow down on the shoes though, haha
Haha yeah the master list is a definite must so I won't overpack! I'll be away for a month. Yup can't afford to go over my baggage allowance!
I sure hope so! :) It'll definitely be memorable. Hahaha yes! Oh my weakness for shoes..
I'm so excited for your vlogs and photos of Asia Tessa!!
Where did you end up deciding to hold the benefit concert? I don't suppose you went with Lake Louise afterall huh?
I'm an absolute overpacker too!!
Have fun on your trip, I know you will! I can never know what to pack either! xo
Thanks girl! :) Yeah I'm going to have to be realllly disciplined with what I pack!
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