For those of you who don't know who the Dalits are, they're known as the untouchables. They've been oppressed for over 3000 years, and are the lowest of the low. They're being treated at a lower status than animals, and are not considered part of the human society. Can you imagine that? And there's about 250 million of them. That number just blows my mind.. and at the same time, truly breaks my heart to know that on a day to day basis, people are being so mistreated, and are living in such poor, poor conditions. They're essentially living the life of poverty, exploitation and slavery. No one deserves to live a life like that. I'm talking life without clean running water, food on the table, electricity, internet (Some of us already get frustrated when Facebook/Twitter is down. Admit it! Haha), and all the basic necessities that keeps us alive. They don't even have the choice of whether they get an education. And the most absurd thing I've learned of.. is the fact that the locals, or the people that are non-Dalits, are forbidden to eat at the same place as them, share the community wells, or even shake their hands. Even though the Constitution of India has made special provisions in regards to the abolition of Untouchability, till this day - the discrimination still exists.
I know in Vancouver, a lot of us take our lives for granted. Myself included. We're truly blessed, and so fortunate to live in such a beautiful city - with a pretty good healthcare and education system. We have the privilege of enjoying what this city has to offer. A lot of us live our lives in excess. And I think it's about time we give back to those who are less fortunate than we are. I've said it before, one of my dreams is to give the Dalit kids in India the possibility of a future. To give them an education that will be their key to liberation. So I'm going to need your help Vancouver! So far my church, with the help of many awesome charitable others, has raised $22,968.52. I know it's quite aways to go to get to $50,000, but I have faith that we can do it. Once we've reached our goal of $50,000, our anonymous donor, will match it. And all of that will go towards the building of a school for the Dalit children in India. (Here's an update as to how the construction of the school is going)
So where does my idea come into play with all of this? Well, I've decided to do a Benefit Concert during the Summer! Sometime in August I'm hoping. I know I can't do this alone, but I believe there is power in numbers :) With the concert, of course we'll be looking at venues, performers, and people who just want to be a part of it all, and help make a difference. I'm hoping that people will come forward and help in any way they can, and I hope that this touches your heart enough for you to spread the word and be part of this dream. We have the power and the resources to make a difference. So Vancouver, will you help me bring this dream to life?
For more info please visit this site: http://www.bhlc.ca/SharingHope and if you'd like to make a donation, please do so there as well! I thank you guys in advance ♥
P.S Please please feel free to give me suggestions with the venues, or if you know of anyone who'd love to perform, just holla!
Tessa, as someone who also went on a mission's trip to India (in the summer of 2009), this is a place that is truly close to my heart. I just wanted to let you know that I would love to help out in any capacity and that you can email me if you need an extra hand! I also know a few really great Christian musicians that I could give you contacts of :) Let me know what you need and I'll try my best to accommodate!
Great blog post Tessa!
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