Taking a break from all that studying to blog! This week has been a crazy one. It is not over till Friday... Sorry to all I haven't had a chance to spend time with and hang out! Soon!! (I know I say that a lot, but school does come first.)
On another note.. I truly miss photography. I haven't been taking pictures because for one - I haven't been inspired. Two? I've been sick, busy and not exactly in the mood to. Anyways, thought I'd post some pictures from previous shoots with Vanessa that I liked :) Enjoy!

1. Vacations. I can't wait to get away from all of this and take a break!
2. Trust. Its one of the most important things to me.
3. Gifts from friends! I got this awesome ring from my family friend Gabrielle. Shall post a pic soon!
4. Post its! Helps keep things organized and in tact.
5. Friends who are super down for crazy projects Aaron and I have in mind. Watch out for a MV coming your way ;)
6. Photographer friends. They definitely help when I'm in need with any questions etc.
7. Holidays! I can't wait for Christmas, to give gifts, and spend time with family & friends.
8. Bus passes. Makes things so much more convenient.
9. Tweezers lol. Keeps my eyebrows in shape hehe.
10. Rest. I've definitely gotten a lot of that. I should be anyways. Juggling 3 midterms and projects this week! Can't wait for it to be over.
hooray for tweezers!!! bahahaha. :)
oh and #5, too. hooray!
you are one busy busy bee! :D you're right though, school comes first but don't forget to make time for your passions too otherwise you'll just dwindle away mentally. ;P i love post its too!!! i go through so many in one day! haha! ;P
Great photos!!
YAY for bus passes. Seriously. Upasses are the sh!t. Life's Good with 'em. You're such a talented photographer, LOVE all these shots of Vanessa :)
Def :) We shall catch up sooon! <3
@Rhai & Coi
Thank you :)
I wished I had a UPASS!!! Argh have to settle for regular bus passes :( Oh well. And thanks :)!!
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