Headed to Yaletown earlier this afternoon with Suzie, and we chanced upon some pretty cool home furnishing stores. Among those stores were Chintz and company, as well as The Cross. I must say, those stores are quite an inspiration. The deco there is amazing. Then again, so is the pricing. Not exactly a fit with everyone's budget.. But hey, if you can afford it, go for it! From dinnerware sets to futons to beautifully crafted chandeliers, it's the dream deco to a perfect home. When I move out, I'm thinking I'll pay these stores a little visit to add a little touch of beauty to my own home.
Whilst at Yaletown, I made a quick stop to Bombay Brow Bar, for a little fix on my brows. Walking in, you're greeted by the lovely ladies there, and the atmosphere is so Indian glam, it's awesome. It is such a chic spot to grab some chai, get your brows done, and walk out in 15 minutes with fabulously sculpted brows.

Eyebrow massage? It was pure relaxation. Needless to say, my brows turned out great, and I'll definitely be making a stop there soon. Thanks ladies! xx
wow the brow bar looks really cool! thanks for sharing :) and the photoshoot was just at a local beach haha no vaca yet for me : P
how's your summer!
thanks for your lovely comment!
Hi there Tessa!
Thanks for stopping my blog, glad you enjoyed it! Looks like your wish definatly came true, we finally have amazing weather! And I honestly don't really remember when it last rained so that must be a good thing! Oh and eye brow massages exist?!
-Stephen Pham
Yes Summer is (sorta) here!!!! :) Yeah it's actually really.. really relaxing! I didn't know that as well lol.
Opps I totally forgot to reply you hun! WOW. Local beach!??! Dang.. we need nicer beaches here..
wow sound like such an awesome place!! & i love chai!!
Def is!! Awesome service :)
great post!!!
check out my new post if you like! Part III
vicky from HotGossip
Thanks :)!!
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