Over on Wednesday morning, Suzie and I met up for breakfast over at Medina's, located at 556 Beatty Street. (Right by Stadium Skytrain) It was my first time being here, and I really did not know what to expect, other than rave reviews from Suzie. But with that being said, I had an absolutely lovely dining experience. Stepping in, I immediately fell in love with the atmosphere of the place, with the artwork hanging up on the walls, and the brick back splash. The food was fab, and so was the customer service. Our server was extremely nice, and always on his feet with serving us. As I wasn't fully recovered from my food poisoning yet, I decided to go light with breakfast. (Wish I was well, cus the breakfast menu was awesome.) We ordered a couple of things, including the Vanilla Latte, L'Omlette du Matin (Omelette of the Day), Roasted potatoes, as well as the Waffle + Mixed Berry topping. The waffle is SO yummy! I highly recommend it. It's just the perfect ounce of sweetness for breakfast. The price range for breakfast food is definitely a little more so than most places, but I would say it's worth it to spend on a quality breakfast every so often. Especially if it's at Medina's! Without a doubt, you will see me coming back to this place. Great food, and great service. Couldn't ask for more.

food looks delish! mm waffle!
Vancouver looks awesome!! I'm sorry you got food poisoning tho : ( I keep seeing snippets of local gems due to the Olympics. That food is making me drool right now...and then I just scrolled down to see freakin dim sum (my love) and now I'm scrounging around the apt for food : X
Btw, too bad you didn't get that pink bandage skirt below! But those things def have a tendency to fit funny. I have a black one from H&M and love it. Some things I'm thinking to update my wardrobe w/ for spring are pastel and nude / neutral colored blouses, and some floral skirts.
The Vanilla Latte and Waffle looks so yummy. {*drool} I've been craving breakfast food recently, but I don't know of many in my area. BOO. This looks like a place I should definitely check out if I'm ever in town...
OH! and {*LOL} @ pee detectors in elevators. That is CRAZY!! WOW.
I'm happy you had fun going out [in this post and your previous post]. I feel the same about great weather. I love it when it's sunny and warm out. My bf calls me a tree hugging hippie sometimes.
yes it is! you should drop by there sometime :P
it is lovely here! come visit! and if you do, be sure to let me know :)LOL yeah i freakin' LOVE dimsum! so goood. and yeah the bandage skirt wasn't too flattering. gonna save up for something better. hopefully. i haven't shop in ages.. like 2 months almost. WHICH is rare hahaha. i feel so deprived. i'm def into florals! anything that's spring like for sure!
omg it is. best waffle EVER. come visit vancouver i'll take you there!! you'd love it. forreals. and yeah the pee detector.. LOL. it cracks me up. well they say singapore is a "fine" city. literally. u get fined everywhere and for everything hahaha. i loooooove the sun. as long as its not too warm :P
That food looks so delicious!
that restaurant sounds so adorable! i gotta try next time i visit van!
and thanks for the comment!<3
it was very much so!
you'd love it girl! if you're ever in town, let me know, i'll take you there :) faaaaaaab bfast! xx
i want the waffle. waffle waffle. hungry.... =S
oh my goodness...these pictures are making me drool...i love foooood!! really wanna visit there one day ;)
I've just discovered your blog and I love it!
If you want, check out my blog and leave a comment. Thanks a lot.
@ the girl in stiletto
come to vancouver ;)
@ StuddedLilly
you should!!! you'd love it here :)
@Melissa Z.
Aww thanks hun. I'll def drop by your blog!
That looks AWESOME! :) Makes me want to just roll in the waffle forever! Haha.
@ mirmirr
you can babe :P hahaha
sure is :)
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