I'm glad that I'm finally able to write a proper blog post! It's been crazy busy for me with school and everything else on the side. Sometimes I just need to take a breather.. A vacation sounds about right at the moment. Well I'm happy to be back! Today was a rather exciting one for me. I had the opportunity to meet the wonderful ladies over at Operation Style! Just a little background on them: Operation Style is a Vancouver based company that focuses on personal shopping, image consulting, and fashion of course. They offer a wide range of services, ranging from closet detox, to personal shopping, to planning a fabulous day out for you to take your date out. (Men take note!) Managed to learn quite a bit from these lovely ladies, and oh, they're Blanche Macdonald Graduates as well! Right after this, it was onto meeting Dorinha of Dorinha Jeans! Does anyone remember this brand from back in our high school days? Well I for one remember everyone rockin' those pair of 1 inch zipper denim from those days. She is such a lovely lady. Super nice, and sweet! She is also currently having a sale, so if anyone is interested, you could pay her a visit at her office @ #2014-1396 Richards Street! Great swimwear and denim at wholesale price. It was quite a great day I'd say. Not to mention.. the weather was beautiful out :) With that being said.. here are some pictures!

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