and live it out loud.
Recap of Saturday: The trio, reunited! ♥ I don't even remember when the last time was that all three of us were out together. It was about time we met up. Well the day was off to a great start. Granville island, we went. I haven't stepped into that place in ages, and this was a good opportunity to go again.
Great weather + a photowalk with Andrew's spanking new Xsi. To those who haven't been to Granville Island, I highly recommend this place. It is truly an urban oasis. as stated on it's site, where else in the world can rusty tin-sided factories boast rebirth as a Public Market, an art school (Emily Carr University), shops, restaurants, theatres, galleries, a hotel, and a great deal more? Anyways, it was a nice place to be that day. From people stalking watching, (I have some fabulous pictures of street photography) to their famous calamari for lunch, I couldn't ask for a better day with great company. We then headed to Johnson Street, which is also located at Granville Island. Over there.. there are a bunch of craft/art-like stores. And that was when i spotted.. BeadWorks! It's been a really long time since I've shopped there. The last time was probably with Gabrielle, when I was about 13. Anyways, I picked up some stuff.. and eventually came up with a simple design later that night. It took me awhile to get the hooks on and what not, because the pliers were simply not cooperating.. Grr. Go figure, I did this at like 2 in the morning. But I managed to come up with this. (pic on the right) I actually really like it, so much that
I made 3 of them, and gave one to Gloria. Hers was fairly similar, but had just the Swarovski heart + pink teardrop instead of the white. I also used a different chain for hers, which is just like a regular silver chain. It's a fun jewely project to do. Looks as good as the ones that are being sold at Blue Ruby if you ask me. But the cost of it is like 1/4 of the price! For real. So what was the total cost? Well the chain was $1.75/ft if I'm not mistaken. I bought 3 ft, and that made 2 necklaces. And the crystals were $2.50 each, but I have a bunch at home, so i didn't bother buying that many. The hooks and circle-like things were $0.75. And that adds up to approximately $11. Works for me! Anyways, the rest of the pictures are located here. Enjoy! xox.

i love that necklace you made! you should make me one! i used to be quite the jewelery-making fanatic, especially with swarovski crystals but i really like the one you made. it's simply but looks expensive. that's a nice photo too, looks like an ad.
i've been going to country beads on west 4th ave because it's slightly cheaper than beadworks and there's a card for $10 off when you spend a certain amount in a year.
hey elena :) thanks, yeah sure i'll make one for you if you want. same here, my mom used to run a home business on the weekend for jewelry back in singapore, but now she doesn't have the time.. so all these beads are just sitting around haha. oh okay. yeah i usually go to beadworks cus it's the only place i know lol
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