
Grad 09', so damn fine

So I finally have the time to blog about PROM. Yes prom, supposedly one of the best nights of our lives. And it sure lived up to that title. Everyone looked amazingly beautiful, and the guys, very studly I might add. The morning started off with the makeup and hair process, done by the amazing Jen! (thanks again Jen, you made us look so good.) That followed by us girls fooling around with the webcam, and chilling at my house. We then headed over to Queen Elizabeth Park for pictures, and then Pan Pacific soon after for the dinner & dance. The food was good, and dessert was sinfully delish. And the dance floor? DJ Supafly was there keepin' it real, and we tore it up. (yes DJ Supafly from the beat 94.5!) Throughout the whole night, I took breaks here and there. And during those breaks, I had such good talks with friends who I've drifted apart from, or gotten closer over the past few months. I guess that is one of the perks of grad night. Nothing else matters. All the hate, the drama, and the unwanted memories are put aside for that moment.. and all you really want to do is have fun, and be with these people for one last night. Even though I'll only end up keeping in touch with the few, I know I'm going to miss my graduating class. They've made high school what it was throughout these 5 years. 5 years is definitely a long time. I've learned quite a bit from my friends, and definitely the teachers. They've taught me more than I needed to know haha. Life lessons anyone? Lol. This is it. We're done guys. It's kind of sad that I won't see some of the familiar faces around the halls anymore, but it's time to move forward. Ultimately, I just wish them all the best in their future endeavours, and hope the best for them. This is it grads of 09'. Thanks for the memories.

View my Prom pictures here



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