

All i hear is raindrops,
falling on the rooftop.

Where is my summer? The sun has been M.I.A these past few days, and I miss it. The awful weather has turned me into a movie junkie this past week. I've seen Hangover, YearOne, and the highly anticipated Transformers. I have to say.. Hangover was my favorite out of the 3. (jokes aside please) Followed by transformers, and then YearOne. I guess it was because Hangover managed to make me laugh the most. I don't know how many times I LOL'd during the movie. It is however, SUCH a guy's movie. It's the typical guys night in movie with the beer + wings combo. Hilarious movie nonetheless. Moving on to Transformers.. I wasn't blown away by this movie. I liked it, but it was just alright. I'm sure the guys would agree with me on this though when I say the opening scene for Megan Fox was hot. Girls fixing cars in denim shorts never get old hey? Anyways, the special effects were amazing and truly out there, and there were some funny scenes.. but, the movie did drag on for a bit too long I felt. I guess to sum it up, you can say it's the perfect jam packed action summer flick. Seriously though, there are waaay too many movies I would love to watch this summer. Some of them include G.I JOE, UP in 3D, Public Enemies, The proposal, and 2012.

What are some of the movies that you guys are anticipating to watch this Summer?



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